1. Concepts and specific features of housing; functions of housing
2. Housing markets and their specific features
- Price of housing as related to demand and supply of housing
- Estimation methods of housing prices in an urban area
3. Housing need and housing demand
- The concept of housing need and its estimation methods
- Housing demand; housing demand elasticities
- Housing choice at different location in an urban area
4. Housing supply
- Land development and house building processes; actors involved.
- Forms of housing provision in Turkey.
- Production of housing at different locations in an urban area
5. Housing finance
- Principal forms of housing finance
- Housing finance institutions in different countries
- Historical development and current state of housing finance in Turkey
6. State Housing Policies
- Types of housing policies and the rationale for introducing housing policies
- Housing policies in Turkey
- Rent control and social rented housing
7. Unauthorized housing in developing countries
- Forms of unauthorized house building
- Regularization and transformation of unauthorized housing in Turkey